The Maniacal Rantings of Lard Bobbo

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Ross Spilmon, marathon instant messenger extraodinaire

I have this habit of NOT turning off my IM whenever I put my computer into sleep mode, and it gotten as long as two weeks or so, but I outdo myself and it frightens me that I do. One whole month, I counted it, February 17, to March 21, I was so amazed that I saved all the accumulated conversations I had during that time. And since I found it amusing during I should make a show to cut n' paste excerpts from my IM conversations into my blog, I may feel like posting excerpts from these sessions into a later blog (that would probably tick off the four people I talk to, fortunately for me, only one of the four reads this), these conversations include little gems like Why we REALLY should explore space, My thoughts on George Lucas' re-re-remastering of Star Wars, My unintellectual approach to deciding an art paper topic (who wouldn't want to do a paper on a guy named Naum Gabo?), How a dream showed me that loosing all my teeth may be good for a laugh, and many more, just say the word and I'm there.

Yes, user participation required...


Blogger Lard Bobbo said...

i'm guessing my sister has already taken a gander at this, since in 1 of her away messeges she has claimed that i'm officially "off [my] nut", and the thing i wanna know is "u JUST figured this out? where've u been?"

Mar 22, 2007, 9:29:00 AM  
Blogger bibliophile81 said...

You make your sister look like a perfectly normal person.

Mar 24, 2007, 9:22:00 AM  
Blogger Lard Bobbo said...

i have my moments ;)

Mar 24, 2007, 2:29:00 PM  

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