From the depths, I return
Well, crap! I swear! Sometimes I forget I even have this thing. Unlike my sister, who has posted numberous song lyrics, weird thoughts, and on one occasion has done 30 day-by-day posts in a row on her blog, I am lucky if I remember if to update blog at least once a month. Man, I gotta quit half-assing everything I do, that's the main reason I'm on academic probation, or as I like to call it "the academic @$#&list", speaking of which, I need to put my half-ass in full-gear if I want to get the big assignments done for three of my four classes...............@$#&.
academic probation is bad. that can lead to having to transfer to a college back home, and the transfer will eat all your credits, forcing you to take way too long to finish college, making you lose all momentum in your life. one day you'll find yourself working at a dead end retail job and sleeping in your parents living room floor at 25. or maybe that's just me.
RETAIL?!? Fuck that! I'd rather be back at Ameriqual putting plastic spoons in pouches on the MRE assembly line. 10 hours work does not seem that bad when they pay the TEMP WORKERS $8 an hour, that's like $80 a day, and that was my first job! Though when I did get home I wanted to collapse in on myself, and by that I mean stop all molecular fusion within me and thus no longer be able to use explosive force to cancel out my immence gravitational pull causing me to fall in on myself and becoming a neutron star, black hole if i'm lucky. Well that may be a BIT of exageration on my part, but RETAIL?!?
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