The Maniacal Rantings of Lard Bobbo

Thursday, August 23, 2007

The Avatar (Duh-Dun-Duunnn)

FOUND IT! "Mirror Universe El Humidor" by paradigmBias on DeviantArt, but I also found two replacements, just in case...

Mirror NX-01 with USS Defiant by Neeka-Keet on DA (scaled down from 1280x712).


Mirror Mirror by karracaz on DA (not scaled down), and yes the searchword was "mirror universe."

Woah, two posts in one night, I must be making up for lost time. tootles for reals this time.


Blogger Lard Bobbo said...

just to let everyone know, yes I know there's big print on my blog, I can't seem 2 make it go away, think it has something to do with the large pictures they're attached 2

Aug 23, 2007, 9:27:00 PM  

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